Honesty: National Honesty Day Quote Analysis and Poem

Honesty: National Honesty Day Quote Analysis and Poem


National Honesty Day is April 30th. A great way to celebrate Honesty day is to analyze quotes from famous people who talk about honesty and write an acrostic poem to show you understand the meaning of Honesty Day!

National Honesty Day is April 30th. A great way to celebrate Honesty day is to analyze quotes from famous people who talk about honesty and write an acrostic poem to show you understand the meaning of Honesty Day!

There are two quotes per page along with a box to illustrate students’ thoughts. These three pages can be used for group work, small group work, and independent work. You will find quotes from:

1. George Washington

2. Benjamin Franklin

3. Frederick Douglass

4. Robert Louis Stevenson

5. William Shakespeare

6. Thomas Jefferson


In the teacher’s instructions, you will find background knowledge on Honesty day including who established this day and why.

For the acrostic poem, there is a word list to help students brainstorm ideas.

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