Posts filed under: Social Studies

10 Teaching Activities for Women’s History Month

Women’s History Month provides an excellent opportunity to explore and celebrate the achievements and contributions...

The Best (and Easiest) Way to Teach American History

WOW! A lot has happened in our American History! There’s so much to cover in...

What is Earth Day?

Looking to celebrate Earth Day in your classroom this year? I did a little research...

What is Women’s History Month?

In addition to Women’s History Month, International Women’s Day takes place each year on March...

What is the Meaning Behind St. Patrick’s Day?

Top o’ the mornin’ to ya’!  Not morning?  Well, then, ‘top o’ the evenin’ to...

Who was George Washington?

Are you looking for information on George Washington to a Revolutionary War unit or President’s...

Who was Abe Lincoln?

Celebrating President’s Day? Or maybe you’re teaching the character trait of honesty? Don’t forget to...

Amazing Books and Collections for Women’s History

“The work of today is the history of tomorrow and we are its makers.”  Juliette...

6 Successful Strategies for Teaching Colonization

Do you need ideas for teaching colonization? Here you will find book suggestions, comprehension ideas,...