Revise and Edit with D.A.R.E. and C.U.P.S. Writing Checklists- EDITABLE!

Revise and Edit with D.A.R.E. and C.U.P.S. Writing Checklists- EDITABLE!


When revising and editing essays, I love using D.A.R.E. and C.U.P.S. in the upper elementary classrooms. These checklists break down each acronym so students can use them during the revising and editing stages. It will guide them to check off each one to assure they are doing a thorough check when revising and editing. If there is something you would like to change, no problem! There is a PDF and a Powerpoint version.

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What do the acronyms mean?

D- Delete unnecessary information

A- Add details and transition words

R- Rearrange to stick to the topic

E- Exchange words for stronger ones.


C- Capitalization

U- Usage

P- Punctuation

S- Spelling


There are 3 versions

1. Full page to project to the class

2. Medium size to print on paper.

3. Small size to print on post-it notes. (Template included)


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