Writing instruction should be a priority in education because it is a fundamental skill that impacts students’ academic success, personal development, and future career opportunities. Why does writing take a back seat in the classroom? Don’t put baby writing in the corner! Here are several reasons why we should Make Writing Instruction a Priority!

1. Critical Thinking and Communication

Critical Thinking: Writing encourages students to organize their thoughts, analyze information, and develop arguments. It helps them become better thinkers and problem-solvers.

Communication Skills: Writing is a primary mode of communication. Strong writing skills enable students to express their ideas clearly and persuasively, which is essential in both academic and professional settings.

2. Academic Achievement

Across Subjects: Writing is not confined to language arts; it is integral to all subjects, including science, social studies, and mathematics. Good writing skills improve performance across the curriculum.

Standardized Tests: Many standardized tests, including college entrance exams, heavily emphasize writing. Proficient writing skills can enhance students’ test scores and academic prospects.

3. College and Career Readiness

Higher Education: College courses require substantial writing. Students with strong writing skills are better prepared for the rigors of higher education.

Professional Success: Many careers demand proficient writing abilities for creating reports, drafting emails, and developing presentations. Strong writers have a competitive edge in the job market.

4. Personal Growth and Empowerment

Self-Expression: Writing provides an outlet for self-expression, helping students articulate their thoughts, feelings, and experiences. This can boost their self-esteem and emotional well-being.

Empowerment: The ability to write well empowers students to advocate for themselves and others. It enables them to participate more fully in civic and community activities.

5. Technological and Media Literacy

Digital Communication: Writing is more important than ever in the digital age. Students need to write effectively on various online platforms, including social media, blogs, and forums.

Media Literacy: Writing instruction helps students critically engage with media. They learn to analyze and create content, developing skills crucial for navigating today’s information-rich world.

6. Equity and Access

Bridging Gaps: Effective writing instruction can help bridge educational gaps. Strong writing skills can help students from diverse backgrounds and with varying abilities achieve academic success.

Inclusive Education: Prioritizing writing instruction ensures that all students, including those with learning differences, receive the support they need to develop essential communication skills.

7. Lifelong Learning

Adaptability: Writing is a skill that continues to develop over a lifetime. Prioritizing writing instruction lays the foundation for lifelong learning and adaptability in an ever-changing world.

Intellectual Engagement: Writing stimulates intellectual engagement and curiosity. It encourages students to explore new ideas actively, reflect on their learning, and pursue knowledge.


Prioritizing writing instruction is crucial for fostering well-rounded, capable, and confident individuals. By investing in writing education, we equip students with the tools they need to succeed academically, professionally, and personally, ensuring they are prepared for the challenges and opportunities of the future. Let’s do something about it!

If you need help with writing instruction, I got you!! Visit Rockstar Writers to learn more!

Keep Rockin’,