Posts filed under: Writing

Writing Mini Lesson #40- Narrative Writing Homework or Class work

Use a weekly writing guide for students to use when writing on their own. They...

Writing Mini Lesson #24- Revising a Narrative Essay- Delete

Are you looking for ways to help your students revise a narrative essay? This lesson...

Writing Mini Lesson #23- Revising a Narrative Essay

Students are finished with their rough drafts and what do they want to do? Immediately...

Writing Mini Lesson #22- Writing a Rough Draft for a Narrative Essay

Did your students follow the other writer’s workshop lessons to organize a narrative essay? If...

Writing Mini Lesson #21- Writing the Conclusion of a Narrative Essay

Do you need ideas for writing a conclusion for a narrative story?  This post will...

Writing Mini Lesson #20- Dialogue in a Narrative Essay

Are you looking for ideas to teach students how to write dialogue in a narrative...

Writing Mini Lesson #18- Building Suspense and Climax in a Narrative Essay

Are your students writing stories that are blah?  Show them how to build suspense and...

Writing Mini Lesson #17- Writing the Body Section of a Narrative Essay

Do your students need help developing the body section of a narrative essay? This post...

Writing Mini Lesson #16- Writing an Introduction for a Narrative Essay

If you are looking for ways to teach students how to write an introduction in...

Writing Mini Lesson #15- Plot

Do you need ideas for teaching plot to a narrative story?  A plot is the...