Posts tagged with: Writing

How to Improve Student Writing With Writing Checklists

Checklists are used for many academic tasks, and writing is a common one. Are they...

Writing Mini Lesson #38 on Final Copies

Are your students ready to write a final copy? It is the step following peer...

Writing Mini Lesson #37 on Peer Reflections

Do your students particpate in peer reflections? Peer reflection is a step in writing process...

Writing Mini Lesson #36 on Spelling

Are you looking for teaching ideas for proofreading spelling? Students should edit their rough drafts...

Writing Mini Lesson #35 on Punctuation

Are you looking for ideas to teach PUNCTUATION to your students?  This post will review...

Writing Mini Lesson #33 on Capitalization

Do your students need help learning rules for capitalization and symbols for proofreading in their...

Strategies to Teach Text-Dependent Analysis (TDA)

Many states have adopted a TDA (Text Dependent Analysis) style assessment for the writing component...


Are you looking for some writing prompts that are related to an April theme? You’ve...

How to Get Your Students Writing!

Do you want your students writing more? These three ways will get your students writing!...

12 February Ideas for Literacy Centers

Do you want cute ideas for February to use in your literacy centers? Keep reading...